Monday, April 5, 2010

Poor College Student?

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter! It was actually really nice to go home and celebrate mass with my family and eat lots of yummy food. I have come to realize that whenever I go home, I take advantage of my parent's cupboards because, as a poor college kid, groceries are rather expensive. This fact has also put a damper on my ability to shop, especially when I am also trying to save for trips this summer. I have formulated this equation that pretty much sums up my life in fashion right now...

In college
+ lack of a good/full-time job
+ saving for my trip to Europe this summer
=strongly interferes with my ability to buy nice things...
solution: thrifting, Ebay, sucking it up and anticipating how lovely my world will be after I graduate and obtain REAL paychecks ...(maybe I should keep dreaming in this economy)...

This also leads me to address another issue I have recently discovered in my wardrobe: a lack of options of flat footwear.
I have many pairs of heels, but i hardly ever wear heels during the week due to my 20 minute walking commute to campus everyday. This puts a damper on my ability to create great outfits, with only a handful of flat boots and shoes to speak of. Equation numero dos:

Lack of cute flats
+ cannot walk to class in heels
+ lack of cash money to purchase said flats
= outfit laziness and looking forward to wearing heels out on the weekends

helpful solution to my issue?

Thanks for listening to my blabbering :)

much love,
- Steph

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