Monday, April 19, 2010


Due to the fact that I was forced to pull an all-nighter last night and am currently still in a state of delirium, I decided to create this compilation.
It's amazing what sleep deprivation will do to you.
I started thinking too much..about life, and memories: how they are just these fleeting moments that we try hard to remember and hold onto, but in the end we are only left with the little fragments that remain in our minds.
I know, deep stuff.
It just got me thinking about all of the wonderful moments I have had in my life so far.
Pictures can do a beautiful thing: they jog the mind, bring back emotions you felt during the time you actually were experiencing these things.
Also, I find it quite humorous that pictures of the drinks I was consuming these nights pretty much sums up the occasion. I can look at a picture of a Long Island and remember exactly how my night went.
(In this occasion, this night turned out very well!)


1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos and I love the blazer on your most recent post.
