Monday, September 20, 2010

Fashion Weak

Matthew Williamson. Gorgeous. SS11

I'm so weak and weary from following NYFW, and now we're on to London! My homework isn't done, my tests have not been studied for, and I feel down a bunch of stairs on Friday - which to be honest is not Fashion Week's fault. And worst of all? I've started talking to myself about it!

As I walked across campus this morning I didn't even realize that I was saying to my self, "I need belts. belts. belts. belts." It was absolutely ridiculous. Thanks Michael Kors for making me want shiny pants and belts a la the look on Freja.

But the real show that just stole my heart? Matthew Williamson. Aside from the 10th look he sent down - some disgusting orange fringed blech thing - I loved everything. I neeeed this look.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Empty Space

So heres the thing, I left my camera at my parents house a week or so ago. This is no excuse for not having posted since July or something, but I did full intend to start posting again once school started! This is actually kind of unfortunate, because I feel like I have wearing the best things of my life lately!

Anyways, fall is here and here is some scanned inspiration! I'm obsessed with Bambi's look lately, especially in these Grazia ss10 shots. I LOVE the feathered headdress, the two bracelets up on her arms, the necklaces, the prints, her eyebrows... pretty much just everything!

When my camera does reappear I have pictures from our most recent New York trip to share! Steph bought me a scarf in the most beautiful color which I have rarely taken off since she gifted me with it.

This ad is from the September issue of British Vogue and is for some chain store I think. It was really the models' hair and makeup that I'm lusting after, but the fall colors are also what I've buying tons of lately. I remember reading somewhere when I was younger that because I'm so damn pale that I'm supposed to wear bright oranges and reds to make me look healthy - pssh.. yeah... like thats going to happen.

Hat.. smudgy brown tone eye makeup... fall colors... but surprisingly from the March 2010 issue of Nylon.

Oh and this is just for kicks. Lately I've really wanted a solid watch that was of substantial quality, so when I ran across this page while rereading the April 2010 issue of Elle I was excited! And then I started cracking up when I realized that ALL of these watches are "price upon request". I'll go back to looking at Goodwill...

Monday, August 16, 2010

In Limbo

I have been laying around at home all day, listening to the Kid A album and thinking about life. I really have not had many moments to myself this summer, and because it was such a hectic one, I feel as though I really need time to sit back and contemplate. I have a little over a week until I move into my new place and I can start posting outfit posts regularly again. Until then, I am in limbo, at my parents' house...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will probably always remain my favorite movie. It is such a beautiful story about relationships and life in general. I have always been able to relate to this line; I always need to be doing things, experiencing things, socializing and enjoying life. But it really does feel good to take it easy every so often.

La di da, that being said...

...As far as clothing goes, I just went thrifting at my local Salvation Army! I CAN'T WAIT to start wearing my new stuff; I got a lot of button-downs and great sheer tops.

And just because I feel like I haven't posted anything I have been wearing lately, I should show you this baby: the one piece of jewelry I have been sporting all summer. Despite my laziness when putting together summertime outfits, this necklace I got from H&M has spiced up my boring ensembles everyday. I kinda am in love with it. The end.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Lack of Crepes (part 2)

I am beyond excited to be able to start posting again! I finally get back from my adventures traveling to return to an apartment without Internet! I am in the process of moving out, moving home, then moving back into a new apartment all within a few weeks, so things have been pretty hectic since I have returned.
I found this dress while shopping with Coll at Goodwill in the spring and was waiting for a good day to wear it. Tired out from wearing nothing but boring, loose-fitting T-shirts and shorts all the time, I wanted to get decked out for our lunch date. Like Coll mentioned, it turned out we didn't get our crepes, but we did get some yummy Starbucks smoothies, great new earrings made, and pictures instead. Complete with the Cathedral in the!

More posts of my own to start coming again! I promise!

A Lack of Crepes (part 1)

So today Steph and I decided to meet up to go to Crepes on Craig (we've mentioned the place before) but they closed an hour early and screwed up our plans. Instead we went and hit up the best bead store - but I don't actually know the name. It might be the Bead Mine?

We decided to take some photos outside the Cathedral - Steph's will be up later in part two of this post. I'm wearing a thrifted skirt from Goodwill over a silk dress from Aerie which may or may not be a nightgown.

The young woman working at the bead store was SO helpful and even constructed the beads we picked out into earrings for us! It was sweet to watch her bust out a pair of earrings so quickly, and really the price was beyond ideal for a broke college kid!

I changed into a 4$ target skirt for an ice cream run with a friend after because, as the purple skirt was almost entirely polyester, I was dying.
NOTE: my head is at such a weird angle because I threw it up just in time for my self timer to go off. I just feel like I should rightly explain that I am not thissss odd looking all the time! But, as in this picture, I do frequently walk around forgetting my cell is in my hand.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not So Wild

Today Steph and I reunited for a mini shopping excursion! I was on the hunt for rings after checking out Erin Wasson's Low Luv collection online. These two rings don't compare to her awesome collection, but for $3.80 each they get my point across.

These two necklaces are from my weekend shenanigans at JoAnn Fabrics. With all chains 40% off I got a bit sidetracked and bought a bunch. The first one is quite long while the second is a lot shorter and is around a bib type length. I threw these together as I watched Notting Hill, it was pretty simple.

Onyx necklace from the Strip District. It is almost a choker length and pulls my hair like something fierce. But for 6$ I couldn't pass it up. I might transfer it to a leather cord so it is longer and won't injure me when I wear it.

Today, in addition to the rings, I finally jumped on that lace trend that has been around for a while. I bought a black tank, a black cotton mini for 4$ both of which are from f21. AND I finally got my blazer that I'm going to DIY. After a few days of searching every cheap chain store I found this in the Men's section at Goodwill. It has super defined shoulders already but goes in very nicely at the waist. I can't wait to start this project!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Wait Is Almost Over

What is the wait one might ask? Come Saturday my summer will officially begin! I can feel it.. in the distance. I can almost see it actually.
Its calling my name with fruity drinks and light reading and shall last all of 28 days.

Oh, and what else will I be doing other than lounging in coffee shops and enjoying my freedom? Yeah, I have those grand DIY plans that I have been talking about. This past weekend I made a fringed scarf and a chain necklace consisting of three different colors of metal.

The above cardigan is from a blog called Phosphene and consists of many little leather disks. I have modified this plan a bit..

I really want to take these leather disks and sew them onto a black blazer as a new take on the strong shoulder trend seen the past few seasons. I think this could really turn into a nice, time consuming project! In full disclosure someone could have certainly done this before to a blazer, I haven't seen one yet so I'm just taking this on - but not to create a replica of any other work that I know of.

And the wait is almost also over for Fall! I just love the cooler temperatures. All I have been able to draw lately is blazers, sweaters, leather jackets, jeans, and boots. If I had air conditioning I would be blasting it to wear my fall clothes during the summer. As you can see I have included some horribly drawn spikes on my motorcycle boots - I'll also be taking on that project after this week.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pretty Pretty Princess

So heres the deal. I spent 16 of the 30 hours that spanned from 7am yesterday morning until 2pm today crunching numbers and writing lengthy papers. All I was thinking about when I dragged myself out of bed this morning at 430 was which article of clothing was closest to me on the floor. This dress won. I liked how it looked eventually, but whenever I wear feminine things I usually feel like I'm six years old again and playing Pretty Pretty Princess.

It has a nice back, but I may have possibly fallen asleep on my floor while working and the back got a bit stretched out causing my bra to show a bit. Now this is something I could have alleviated somehow or by wearing one that looked as if it was showing intentionally, but since its 9:30 pm and it just occurred to me that today is Thursday, that didn't even cross my mind today until nowish.

I finally scanned the image of the boots I want!!! The spikes are lovely. I just want them so badly. My only concern in purchasing them though is that doing so will make them the third priciest non jewelery item that I own.

Here is the page from InStyle which they are located on in case anyone wants to check it out! Its the August issue.

Update: Ahhhh the boots are said to be 360$ in the magazine, the exact amount that I have. Unfortunately Neiman Marcus's website has them listed as 395$ which pretty much means I can either pay my cable bill for the month or spring for the extra 35$ and tax. :( this is too much of a decision...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baking Heat

I was walking to my glorious destiny this morning (aka the grand opening of the Dunkin Donuts near my apartment that I plan to pretty much live at) and I saw dancing Dunkin people. I had to snap a pic with my camera. I absolutely LOVE Dunkin Donuts. So anyways, lately I have been baking like crazy! I would love to show you the outfits I've been wearing lately, but honestly the food is more interesting.

A raspberry, blueberry, cinnamon, and brown sugar concoction that I threw in some pie crust to make tarts.

They turned out great and are so delicious! Definitely going to be my go to creation when my friends and I have dinner parties. What is even better is that they only take about 10 minutes to make!

Another crappy cell phone photo, but I also made the Hash Brown Pizza which was mentioned on the Atlantis Home blog. It was pretty good! The recipe said it took 2.5 hours to make but through some serious multitasking I was able to make it in about an 1 and a 1/2. I also made homemade donuts - which were deliciously but definitely unhealthy - and created this new pasta recipe, and made personal cheesecake bite things. I'm exhausted and I have been hauling you know what to do all the homework I neglected.

Also, I discovered the wonder of blending makeup with a foundation brush. Fabulous.

This is basically what I wore today but I was kind of in the process of changing out of this when I remembered to snap a photo.

Tomorrow, after waking up before it is even light out to bust out some homework, I'm hitting up a tattoo shop with a friend and then hopefully going thrift shopping. I have some grand plans involving some craft store studs. Then the weekend and my birthday!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Studded Glory

I woke up today to find the August issue of InStyle in my mailbox and boy was it a good one! As I went through the issue I was flagging things down left and right that I either NEEEEED desperately, wanted to scan and post on the blog, or was planning gifts to purchase for friends. This was a definite step up because this months Lucky and Elle really disappointed me I think maybe the styles those magazines focus on is changing.
Kate Lanphear should just have her own personal magazine and I would be set. She is all the style inspiration I need.

ANYWAYS, I have searched high and low for a photo of the Ash leather boots that have since stolen my heart and soon to be my money as well. The only conclusion I can come to is that maybe they wont come online until August? They are BEAUTIFUL with a leather and rubber construction, knee high, super sleek, and equestrian almost but they have gunmetal colored spikes on the knees! So Freaking Cool. Here are two Ash shoes so you can get the general gist of the brand
But these are what I found during my search, and are almost as cool.
1. The Sam Edelman 'Joss' Oxford - I love the dusty color of this shoe and.. of course.. the studs. However, I am intrigued by the lack of laces and wondering if I could add my own? I don't like that there isn't any. The gunmetal color of the studs is great. It also comes in black but I feel like its a bit cliche.
2.H by Hudson Bowen Washed Buckle Side Flat Ankle Boots - While I don't like the price tag of this ankle boot, I like the idea of these with a grungy hipster outfit. Definitely would have to be for someone with a smaller foot than me, I refuse to go above a size 10 just to wear pointed toe shoes. I just couldn't bear it.
3. AllSaints Suede Stud Military Boots - WOW. I would definitely buy these in both colors (the other is a graphite). I dig the slouchy nature of them! They make me want to go explore a foreign city in a slick short sleeved blazer (like this!), some motocross skinny jeans, and these swell boots. Give me a fringed bag and geez, I would be so thrilled.
4. Sam Edelman 'Zoe' Ankle Boot - Because of my height and curvy nature I am usually hesitant to wear heels. I tend to come off as a giant. These are fabulous regardless and if they were on sale I would probably consider buying them, but since they are almost the same price as my beloved Ash boots I say "No way, Jose".

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Look Everyone, Neville's Got a Remembrall!

Can I just start by saying if I had a gosh darn Remebrall (yes from Harry Potter) today would have went a heck of a lot better than it did.
I mentioned previously that I had misplaced my memory card, but I didn't mention that I had also misplaced my paycheck and cable bill. I solved everything eventually but there was tears, multiple trips to banks and mailboxes, and pain involved.. see below.

Necklaces I wore while out with a friend for smoothies and browsing some stores!
A tank dress from f21 and my now standard black sandals. I thought this dress was fine for weather near 100 degrees but upon running into another friends parents my parter in crime for the day whispered that she thought my dress was inappropriate in length.
- whatever it was hot.

I wore these shoes for MAYBE 20 minutes tops today before continuing my walk home from class- basically the equivalent of across town- barefoot. Lovely, studded flats right? OR KILLER DEATH MACHINES??!!
My heels are bleeding, the tops of my feet are bleeding, that fun little side area where women who wear heels too much get bunions are bleeding.

I knew what was coming as soon as I put these on after the UPS man delivered them, but I had to give them a go and hope I was wrong..
I don't think shoes have caused me this much pain since a pair of Steve Maddens in '08 shaved quarter size pieces of skin off of me. I literally came home and put ice on my feet.

I just want it to be fall again so I can wear my boots without getting funny looks.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Surfin' Safari

I went and braved the mall crowds to hit the sales this weekend and bought these lovely shoes! They turned out to be something like 65% off with an extra 20% off that so I couldn't really resist the price. I've been hunting for a new pair of black sandals for a while and while these are a little flashy, I think they still do the trick! Especially since while I was walking home last night some woman slowed down in traffic to stick her head out and yell "I love your shoes!". Yep, it was a good day.

Also I justified them by saying that I will wear them ALL THE TIME (and on a safari) when I study abroad, which will hopefully be this January! Fingers crossed because I really want to go to Africa.
Okay, the shoes aren't actually that flattering on me which my mother was quick to point out. But I don't care! Am I not going to buy something that I absolutely love just because I don't look like a twig in it? No. I am not a twig and I'm not trying to hide it! Although I am convinced that this outfit did look better in person than in the photograph.

And because I feel like I just have to throw this out there as a note - I didn't really pack appropriately to go home for the holiday hence the lovely black bra straps.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Such a Break!

So heres the reason for the epic delay in posts:
1. I LOST MY MEMORY CARD. (for my camera) Shockingly, it wont let me take pictures without it! Not even one itty bitty photo. I need to be that person that finds a $20 floating around in the wind so I can buy a new one without feeling like a broke crappy person.
2. Steph is out on another whirlwind adventure - this time she is in Greece!
3. And to round things out, Google temporarily deleted our blog for a bit. They thought we were spam. Go figure...

Also I guess my outfits have been a bit odd lately by summer standards. I really am just throughly sick of summer weather - already I know - and have reverted back to wearing jeans and boots and beanies despite the 80 something degrees it is out.

I don't even have anything to say about the current issues of magazines out! I spent yesterday with a nice mocha at Borders looking through US Vogue, Vogue UK, Lucky, Cosmo UK, Glamour UK, US Glamour, and the Eva issue of W all of which I was largely unimpressed. Although when I turned the page in the Instyle UK and I saw KAYA SCODELARIO I freaked out!! I absolutely loved Kaya as Effy on Skins and was thrilled to see a photospread of her in the July Issue.
Image via July 2010 Issue of Instyle UK

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I finally bought the most beautiful oxfords! I'm completely in love with them and the leather is butter soft so wearing them is almost my own personal heaven! They just make every outfit better.
Newest obsession: Super bold jewelry.

Still a super casual outfit for bumming around town, getting ice cream, and watching some world cup games! And I cut bangs and put some highlights in my hair.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home At Last

So, I just returned from my month-long travels across Europe. Our trip started in London, then Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Venice, Florence, Naples, Capri, Pompeii, Rome, Nice, and back up to Paris and London for a second time....I know, out of breath! My list is quite a mouthful, but it was also quite an incredible experience. Each place we went to was so different..and of course, the FASHION!

Everyone dresses so chic, and men actually know how to dress well!

The overall affects from this trip as far as my fashion and lifestyle goes: I am now obsessed with shopping at Zara (pictures of my purchases from this trip soon to come), I feel like I will start going for more quality over quantity...I have always liked choices, having a large wardrobe to mix and match items that are relatively disposable when you become sick of it, but now I really have a strong desire to invest in a few key pieces of quality clothing. Europe has given me a more expensive taste..good for my style, but not so good on my future bank account.

Well I am jet-lagged and rambling. Pictures to come!!!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Magazine Lust

When I opened the June issue of Harpers Bazaar UK the content page had a picture from the shot inside of Carmen Kass. I couldn't wait to get that far in the issue and promptly looked it up on Heres what I found!

That oversized hood and the bracelets... I love.

Carmen looks amazing. I still don't know that I can get behind platform shoes, but lately I've been dying for anything with only one sleeve. I want her tan so badly its not even funny.
