Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baking Heat

I was walking to my glorious destiny this morning (aka the grand opening of the Dunkin Donuts near my apartment that I plan to pretty much live at) and I saw dancing Dunkin people. I had to snap a pic with my camera. I absolutely LOVE Dunkin Donuts. So anyways, lately I have been baking like crazy! I would love to show you the outfits I've been wearing lately, but honestly the food is more interesting.

A raspberry, blueberry, cinnamon, and brown sugar concoction that I threw in some pie crust to make tarts.

They turned out great and are so delicious! Definitely going to be my go to creation when my friends and I have dinner parties. What is even better is that they only take about 10 minutes to make!

Another crappy cell phone photo, but I also made the Hash Brown Pizza which was mentioned on the Atlantis Home blog. It was pretty good! The recipe said it took 2.5 hours to make but through some serious multitasking I was able to make it in about an 1 and a 1/2. I also made homemade donuts - which were deliciously but definitely unhealthy - and created this new pasta recipe, and made personal cheesecake bite things. I'm exhausted and I have been hauling you know what to do all the homework I neglected.

Also, I discovered the wonder of blending makeup with a foundation brush. Fabulous.

This is basically what I wore today but I was kind of in the process of changing out of this when I remembered to snap a photo.

Tomorrow, after waking up before it is even light out to bust out some homework, I'm hitting up a tattoo shop with a friend and then hopefully going thrift shopping. I have some grand plans involving some craft store studs. Then the weekend and my birthday!

1 comment:

  1. that yellow skirt is perfect and it's the perfect pop of color to your look! :) and yay for dancing dunkin' people! hahaha
