So heres the thing, I left my camera at my parents house a week or so ago. This is no excuse for not having posted since July or something, but I did full intend to start posting again once school started! This is actually kind of unfortunate, because I feel like I have wearing the best things of my life lately!
Anyways, fall is here and here is some scanned inspiration! I'm obsessed with Bambi's look lately, especially in these Grazia ss10 shots. I LOVE the feathered headdress, the two bracelets up on her arms, the necklaces, the prints, her eyebrows... pretty much just everything!

When my camera does reappear I have pictures from our most recent New York trip to share! Steph bought me a scarf in the most beautiful color which I have rarely taken off since she gifted me with it.

This ad is from the September issue of British Vogue and is for some chain store I think. It was really the models' hair and makeup that I'm lusting after, but the fall colors are also what I've buying tons of lately. I remember reading somewhere when I was younger that because I'm so damn pale that I'm supposed to wear bright oranges and reds to make me look healthy - pssh.. yeah... like thats going to happen.

Hat.. smudgy brown tone eye makeup... fall colors... but surprisingly from the March 2010 issue of Nylon.

Oh and this is just for kicks. Lately I've really wanted a solid watch that was of substantial quality, so when I ran across this page while rereading the April 2010 issue of Elle I was excited! And then I started cracking up when I realized that ALL of these watches are "price upon request". I'll go back to looking at Goodwill...