Thursday, July 8, 2010

Look Everyone, Neville's Got a Remembrall!

Can I just start by saying if I had a gosh darn Remebrall (yes from Harry Potter) today would have went a heck of a lot better than it did.
I mentioned previously that I had misplaced my memory card, but I didn't mention that I had also misplaced my paycheck and cable bill. I solved everything eventually but there was tears, multiple trips to banks and mailboxes, and pain involved.. see below.

Necklaces I wore while out with a friend for smoothies and browsing some stores!
A tank dress from f21 and my now standard black sandals. I thought this dress was fine for weather near 100 degrees but upon running into another friends parents my parter in crime for the day whispered that she thought my dress was inappropriate in length.
- whatever it was hot.

I wore these shoes for MAYBE 20 minutes tops today before continuing my walk home from class- basically the equivalent of across town- barefoot. Lovely, studded flats right? OR KILLER DEATH MACHINES??!!
My heels are bleeding, the tops of my feet are bleeding, that fun little side area where women who wear heels too much get bunions are bleeding.

I knew what was coming as soon as I put these on after the UPS man delivered them, but I had to give them a go and hope I was wrong..
I don't think shoes have caused me this much pain since a pair of Steve Maddens in '08 shaved quarter size pieces of skin off of me. I literally came home and put ice on my feet.

I just want it to be fall again so I can wear my boots without getting funny looks.

1 comment:

  1. when it's hot outside, there's no such thing as too short :P i hope your feet heel from all the bleeding and pain!
